Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back...

... is still better than one step forward, two steps back.

more later

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Hard Going

I've been finding it pretty difficult to adapt to heads up play and hit a run of bad luck over a few days - particularly in AIPF situations. I'll spare you the details as I'm sure you're all familiar with the type of stuff I'm talking about. Unfortunately it also coincided with moving up so back down I went to rebuild my confidence.

I'm continuing to plug away though and I've managed to stick to the goals I set myself at the beginning of the month (apart from the make money part obv). I was probably a bit niaive to think I could just step in and dominate at the lower limits.

I'm just going to keep playing and studying the game and the results will follow. I might book a coaching session with a hu player at the end of the month to go over my hand histories and point out any leaks. Reviewing them myself has pointed out a few mistakes that I'm trying to rectify.

A breakeven month certainly wouldn't be the end of the world.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

July and Some Goals

I'm making some (a lot) of changes with regards to poker this month. Since I went back to playing for a living things have been ticking over nicely and I've been making a steady income but my shortcomings as a player have been made apparent as I moved up in stakes. I'm going to take a more professional approach to poker and try to follow the example of other people.

First of all I'm going to play HUSNG's. I've developed some leaks in my game which are going to take a bit of fixing. I think the best way for me to do this is to take a month out of my normal games and learn something new. I can then go back (if i want to) with a clear head and analise my game better. Basically my options were plo or hu - plo can wait.

The main benefit of learning something new is that I'll get back in to the habit of study and review, something I used to do religeously but has fallen way down on my list of priorities. It's very east to get stuck in a rut with poker and before you know it the games have evolved and your win rate slowly dwindles to nothing. With the absolute wealth of poker kowledge out there you need to take advantage of it just to stay ahead of the fish.

I've played a couple of hundred HUSNG's over the past few days and the great thing I've discovered is that there are games going 24 hours. I woke up at 4am the other day and managed to get a game no problem. There seems to be bad players at all hours too.

The Plan

Play $11 HU with 50 buy ins - move up when i hit 50 buy ins for the next level. I'm going to be using rakeback and bonuses as part of my bankroll this month - this is something I never ever do but it'll help me move up pretty fast. The reason I'm doing this is to help me find a level where I'm not quite comfortable - again encouraging me to review my play and seek out answers for tough situations.


I don't know if I can sustain 100 or more matches in a day as i find them quite mentally draining. I'm going to aim for 50 as a minimum but think I'll get into the swing of things in a week or so.


None. Ever. Step away from the computer. Play no poker. This is going to be a big factor this month. I'm only going to be 2 tabling and I'll be paying close attention so those runner runner straights and rivered sets are going to sting a little. I need to stay positive.


I'm renewing my subscriptions for Stoxpoker and Deucescracked and will use them on a daily basis. I've also got the book I'll plough through a couple of times. I'm going to post hands and try to contribute to forums. It might be time to dust off Theory of Poker too.

Take Notes

I'm really lazy when it comes to taking notes on opponents but I NEED to start doing this.


Make some. I don't have a clear money goal as that would be pretty silly given I'm totally new to HU games. I'll be trying to move up so I won't have the comfort of rakeback to fall back on.

In addition to the poker challenges, I have to stop my wife spending all of my bankroll which is winging it's way to my bank account as we speak. She's already said "if you can make money with a $500 bankroll what do you need the rest for?"

Alarm bell are ringing.

Sunday, 28 June 2009


The shot taking is now officially over and it's been an experience. At one point following my last post I was down a little over 4k or 80% of the money I'd set aside and I was a bit down on myself. I cut back to 2 tables at a time so I could focus more on the tougher players and slowly built back up. After a night of drunken gambling I was back up tp -1k which I can handle. I also cleared $1500 in bonus money to put me up over ther course.

I'm probably not at the point where i can beat these games if I'm prefectly honest with myself. I don't mind admitting it either. There's a lot of work to be done on my part over the next few months and I've set myself a rough target of crushing the $108's by Xmas.

I tried to get back into my normal games over the weekend but it wasn't happening. I think I'd focused so much on adjusting to the tougher games that I struggled to adjust back to the fish. I'm finding myself a bit stale atm and I've been thinking of ways I can challenge myself. I was planning on doing busto to robusto this month but put it off to next month. Now I'm putting it off until later in the year - it just doesn't appeal to me right now.

I was looking through some poker books and came accross Colin Moshman's HUSNG book. I liked his first one so I've bought that and have a new plan for next month. Read the book and play heads up lol. As you can imagine this plan was literally days in the making and the amount of planning and preperation that went into it were very time consuming.

I've always fancied learning heads up but put it off for other things. My priority has been making money for the past few months with the missus being off on maternity leave and spending money quicker than I can earn it. She's back to work in July though so now is the time. I know I've got a bit of a tendency to not stick at something but variety is the spice of life as they say and poker does get a bit boring when you're grinding it out day after day. I've got a really good rakeback deal too so even if I break even for a full month I'll still make 3k or so.... if I work at it.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

You're DOING it WRONG!!!

So far my shot taking has resulted in a 2k loss and 14 tournaments without a cash. Fucking marvelous. I'm not put off (although I'm not entirely comfortable losing that amount of money in such a short time) as I've reviewed the tournament histories and I'm not playing badly.

I tend not to complain about bad beats but I've seen my fair share over the past couple of days. This one sticks out: Folded round to SB who min raises, I have KJs in BB and push, SB insta calls with T5, flop AXJ, turn K, river is obviously a Q and I bubble again. I have millions of these.

I hate talking about hands where I've been unlucky but it's been a little bit harder to take as it's like real money at stake here lol. I need to work on detatching myself from my results as normally I'd just fire up more tournaments and be mildly surprised if I was down for the day.

My regular games have been going ok though and this has helped me shrug it off.

Still off the fags though. Survived my first big test tonight when I went for a meal with my family who all smoke. I even had a few beers and still dont feel the urge to light up. My inhalator thing is chewed to fuck though.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and get a shitload of poker in and try to cash at some point.


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Moving on up?

Ok I'm now oficially old. I turned 30 the other day and have always said that I'm going to drastically change my lifestyle when I hit the big three-oh. Obviously I'm taking a few days to celebrate, drink beer, smoke tabs and eat pizza. On Monday I'm stopping smoking (I've cut down to about 5 a day), not being a pisshead and joining a gym. I know people say you shouldn't make too much changes at one time but this plan has been 10 years in the making so I'm totally prepared. My lungs and liver may not be though.

The past couple of days I've been taking some shots at $108's and I've had a pretty decent run at them - I even played a couple of $215's and luckboxed my way to a very welcome $3k day yesterday.

I'm not sure I can beat the games at this level although I haven't noticed a massive difference in play compared to $54's. It's mainly tighter in the early phases and super aggro when the blinds get significant.

I really have to think hard about where I want to be with regards to poker. My bankroll is sitting around the 12k mark (not including yesterday's score) so I'm not comfortably rolled to play the $108's full time. I think I'd want to have nearer 200 buy ins. They obviously don't run as often either so I wouldn't get the volume in on a daily basis. That's not a huge deal to me but if I'm only a marginal winner in these games over the long term then playing 30 or so tournaments a day is going to make for some sick swings.

I suppose it comes down to what you want to get out of poker. I'm pretty happy just making more than i would working for a living. I never really thought about playing higher stakes and I'm happy to grind it out. Maybe I should be a bit more ambitious.

I think I'm going to split my bankroll, keeping 7k for grinding and taking a 50 buy in shot at the 108's. That way I can grind during the day and use my evening sessions to play higher when the games are going. Sounds like a plan to me. I'm over rolled for the games I play most anyway.

I'll give this a shot until the end of the month and see where I stand. Nothing ventured nothing gained and all that.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Happy Days

There's nothing like a few days work to make you appreciate how good it is to play poker for a living. For the past 5 years myself, my dad and brother have spent the close season painting Dens Park (home of Dundee FC). It started out as a voluntary thing as the club were up shit creek financially but we get paid for it now. Well they pay us and we buy hospitality and sponsorship etc. so all the money goes back to the club. We're all big Dundee supporters so it's good to meet all the guys and get to see behind the scenes. My only complaint is that it's ruined the mystique about the football club. When I was young I used to worship the players and could only dream of meeting them. Now they're just in the way when we're trying to get stuff done.

Anyway the point is I had to work for the past 3 days and it really puts things into perspective. I have a pretty easy life. I wake up when I want, work when I want and finish any fucking time I feel like it. After 2 days of 8 o'clock starts I was fucked by dinner time.

This just adds to the general love I have for poker right now. I'm really happy at the moment. The last couple of months have been great and I feel that things are really working out for me.

When I decided to give playing for a living another shot I was a bit apprehensive. The first time around I was totally miserable and absolutely hated poker. I had absolutely no confidence in my game. I was constantly working on trying to improve, so much so I became somewhat obsessed with it. I didn't realise at the time that the problems I faced were not entirely related to my ability to play poker.

First of all and by far the most important was the fact my only game was full ring limit hold em. I got totally bored of that within a month. Being bored does not help your game at all and I was playing well below my A game. Obviously I didn't realise this at the time and thought I was playing fabulously but running into donkey luckboxes all the time.

Secondly I was playing on Stars and basically keeping American time, playing through the night and sleeping all day. This led me to feel pretty isolated - if I wanted to do anything (like going to the football for example) I had to totally change my sleeping patterns and socialising was a fucking nightmare.

I was also playing in the house and was frequently disturbed by my kids waking up, the dog wanting to take a piss etc. Not good for my mindset. The most productive change I've made was getting myself a little office away from any distractions.

Volume was a big problem for me too. I thought it was lazyness but it was more to do with the fact I was just pissed off playing poker. Tilt was pretty much ever present for me just bubbling below the surface. I expected to win any hand I showed down because it was my divine right to win. I was so much better than the opposition.

I could go on. There was a lot of stuff that prevented me from succeeding the last time and around this time last year I went back to work. To be honest it was the best thing I have ever done. After a while I really missed the freedom that poker gives you. I went over and over all my failings and took time to seriously analyse the issues I had. I thought about how I could make improvements if I ever decided to get back into poker. I spent a few months putting things into place but at the time had no intention of playing for a living any time soon. I fucked it up one time and had to be sure that the second time it would work.

Business started to slow down around Xmas and I was struggling a little bit. I played to make some extra cash and started playing SNG's. When I started crunching the numbers it was dawning on me that there was some money to be made if I did it full time.

I managed to convince my wife who vividly remembers what a miserable bastard I was.

So here I sit, 3 days shy of my 30th birthday feeling pretty fucking happy with myself. I'm currently playing 3 or 4 sessions a day - all SNG's now. I've found a structure that works well for me. I'm not exactly doing 9 -5 but have plenty of time with the wife and kids and dont have to change my sleep patterns if I want to go out. I'm playing a minimum of 100 tournaments a day and find it easy to put that volume in. I generally take Saturday off and play drunken mtt's on Sundays.

I'm taking a more relaxed approach to improving my game and concentrate more on playing the game to the best of my abilities. If I make a mistake I don't beat myself up over it and I'm generally more relaxed when I'm playing. I don't tilt any more and feel strangely detatched when I take a bad beat. Before I would be breaking stuff. I think that with SNG's there are a lot more close decisions where you're either shipping it in or folding so the beats are ever present.

I don't look upon myself as the best player at the table now and don't think it's my divine right to win when I have a good hand. Truth is I don't need to be the best, I'm pretty happy with slightly above average thanks.

I'm very aware of the potential pitfalls but I think I've matured just a little bit. There's also the ever present fear that I'll fuck it up this time. There won't be a third chance.

From the moment I discovered poker I knew that this is what I want to do. Now finally, I'm doing it right.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Getting It In

Over the last week or so I've been cashing out my bankroll from random sites so I can take advantage of a superb deal on Ongame (details to follow - might be able to get some high volume fish a similar deal).

Not a hell of a lot of poker has been played. I seriously need a bonus or something to clear to get me motivated.

I left around $100 on one of my fave microgaming skins and have consistently doubled it and cashed out on 5 occasions - cue doomswitch if you please.

I've been playing their "extreme" tournaments which I've talked about before. They're great for volume but shit for your sanity. I usually do well if I manage to avoid anything approachng a decent hand in the early stages.

On Monday my new deal kicks in (hopefully) and I'll be back to grinding like a motherfucker. I could really do with another $6-8k month. It's hard when the weather is this good though.

I did have aspirations of getting to the WSOP but it's not happening now. Hopefully next year. I feel jealous of all you fuckers who have been there lately.


Saturday, 6 June 2009


my little challenge has gone up in smoke, mainly because I found a bonus that I coudn't refuse.

next month fo sho.

I'm currently playing a shitload so should be fine.

Monday, 1 June 2009


I had to put off my little challenge today purely because it's too hot in my office to play poker. It's 8.40pm and currently 24 degrees in here.

Thats fucking hot for Scotland.

I don't know why it's so hot in here, might be the fact it's pretty small and has a lot of electrical shit in it.

Anyhoo I might have to invest in some sort of air conditioning system. Jeeziz how stupid does that sound?

I spent the day dossing around in the garden, cut the grass and read a bit of Your Worst Poker Enemy which was quite good. I don't feel like I'm havin so much trouble with the psychological part of poker this time around but I don't study nearly enough either. I Might compile a reading list for the next few weeks.

So as promised:

Number of tournaments played: 0
Profit/Loss: 0

Not a bad start

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Ok Here's the Deal

One man, one poker site, one hundred and ten dollars (x2).

Inspired by this thread:

I've had a pretty decent month so far. Covered the bills and stuff which is what it's all about. As a matter of fact I've got the next few months covered. Anyway I was thinking of my strategy for next month and trying to come up with something a bit different. Boku's thread intrigued me for obvious reasons but I know for a fact I can't put in the sick volume he does without turning into a gibbering mess.

Basically what I've come up with is an excuse to doss around for the rest of the month.

From June 1st I'm going to start with a $110 bankroll, play exclusively on Stars, play only multi table SNG's or the odd MTT and see what I can run it up to.

I don't play on Stars much these days but I've tested the waters a few times this month because of their UK promo.

The goals I've set myself are:

1. a minimum of 100 tournaments per day or 700 per week. Basically if I want a day off I have to earn it.
2. 100 buy ins before I move up (other than random shot taking)
3. only 1 reload of $110
4. profit

I'm not entirely sure why i want to put myself through this other than giving me focus for the month ahead.

I'm going to update every day in June, not that anyone is interested. I'm not doing it for you though am I?

I think one of my weaknesses is not keeping accurate records so at least I'll be able to get into the habit of posting results etc. Also I dont particularly like posting about $$ won or lost because it's all relative. Durrr's 1 million downswings are as bad as a 10NL reg's downswings. For one month only I'll be keeping a daily tally of $$ won or lost and posting them for your enjoyment.

Normal service will resume shortly.

Has Poker Made Me Stupider?

I was thinking about this last night and I'm definitely not as sharp as I used to be. In my previous employment I had to write reports, discuss ideas at meetings and use my brain in many weird and wonderful ways. Now I sit and grind, sometimes pretty mindlessly and the only writing I do is shopping lists and this shitty blog.

Maybe i need to stimulate my mind more. I hardly even read these days.

On a completely different note I just read about the German dude who ran $100 up to $10k in and epic 13 day SNG grind. Can't remember the dudes name but it was awesome - 50 tabling ftw. Anyway it got me thinking a little bit and I might try something similar next month or the month after. Obviously not $100 - $10k but a bit of a grindfest from low stakes.

Today I'm going to try to sharpen my 24 tabling skills.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

The Internetz

Getting back into poker sometimes has it's drawbacks.

For example, I now read 2+2 more often and not just for the strategy posts. I've always been a bit of a fan of their forums and used to read them avidly although I've made around 8 posts in 4-5 years. I was speaking to a guy I know last night who was banned from a certain forum and they were having a vote to let certain people (including him) back in. Fair enough. I then trawled through the gazillion posts on the subject, more out of morbid fascination than anything else and was pretty appalled by some of the stuff written. So many internet hard men there. I would like the time I spent reading these posts back please.

Way back in the day I used to be a moderator on a forum which started out as a bit of a laugh and a general pisstake. Everything was cool for a few months and I think I used my moderator priveleges about twice on something very mundane. Other mods began taking a bit of a harder line, deleting posts, banning people and generally letting the power go to their heads. Obviously people got pissed off with the heavy handedness and general asshattery. They left in their droves. The site died a slow death and in the end the only people who posted there were the fuckwit moderators and their band of toadying minions.

Much as it pains me to say, I can see 2+2 heading the same way. At least the "social" forums anyway. It seems if your face doesn't fit you're persona non grata.


I had thought the appeal of internet forums and messageboards was that everyone can contribute their own shit freely. With the exception of horse Pr0nz etc.

Anyway, enough of that shit and more about my struggle to become a super rich poker playing fuckwit.

Today i played over 100 tournaments by 4pm. I consider 100 SNG's to be a full day's work so I'm entitled to doss around tonight and do stuff like write this shitty blog post. I'm not going to though. I'm so highly motivated that I'm going to play more poker right now and try to rattle in another hundred.

It's the new me i'm sure.

Poker burnout incoming.


I'm currently accepting applications for some toadying minions for a future takeover of the internet.

Monday, 18 May 2009


Been pretty bored the past few days with the old poker. Playing a lot of mtt's to break up the monotony but this got pretty dull too. Made a few cashes but nothing spectacular.

I'm going to take a break in a little while then play some hu sng's tonight. Might try to spin my way up to high stakes too.

2 buy in bankrolls ftw.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Why I Don't Play MTT's for a Living

They suck.

I was a bit bored today so hit up some $4.40 180's while I was doing my usual SNG grind. I had to play $4.40's as that's all I could afford 10 buy ins for given the fact that I'm still waiting on my bastarding cash out.

Anyway, pretty mixed results. Got 3rd in one where I really should have won given I had the chip lead 3 times with 3 left. An ill timed push with A9 against a limped KK fucked that. It was ok though, kind of fun really. Cashed out, ordered pizza. Fuck You prop bets.

I did learn that I fucking suck badly post flop in the low blind levels and need to sort this out.

In other news, someone stole my luckbox and I would quite like it back.

Reward Offered.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Losing Prop Bets and Winning at Poker

Unsurprisingly I didn't finish my prop bet yesterday and had to ship my stars roll (complete with pizza money). This was mainly because of my inability to 2 table Stars slow arsed turbos without getting bored and stacking off. Once I'd busted twice at the $16 level I gave up.

I'm thinking about doing a 6 or 8 table version later this month as there's a chance this will hold my interest for longer than 5 minutes.

I decided to hit up some Microgaming turbos and went on a seriously sick run cashing in about 90% of the tournaments I played. This was helped by a few insane runner runner luckbox moments and a few beers.

I continued in the same vein today without the luckbox but I think I'm still up. The big appeal of these tournaments is the fast pace and the fact it's pretty easy to put in high volume. Coupled with a bonus which is equal to 55% rakeback it's somewhat profitable.

I just watched some videos on pokertube by some random fish and they were awesome sauce. There's a link in BBV if anyone's interested. The horse one especially is made of win.

Anyway, got about 30 more tournaments to play to hit the magic 100 mark.


Monday, 11 May 2009

Dial a professional dealer for your Poker Night

Argh! Our best friend who deals insanely well pulled out of our poker night early last night. It’s so annoying when that happens. Now its just the three of us and none of us can deal or shuffle properly for any purpose other than each other’s laughter. Our poor dealing skills make gambling look like snap.

Anyway, I just want to pick up a phone and dial a dealer or something. Actually, I was genuinely curious about this sort of thing and so being the sad person that I am, I actually google’d it. There’s no harm in trying when you’re bored these days! Well, what do you expect? Turns out there’s a site called that specialises in finding professional card or casino dealers and fun casino hire suppliers for hire right away in your area. You can even phone them right now. Don’t believe me? Look it up. It’s a bit like a MySpace for people who work as croupiers or card dealers. You can hire a professional croupier for your game who will come and deal for you at a private gathering, home game or even for a large party. Dealers sign up with their gambling skills and fill out a profile that lets them advertise their casino night services and make new contacts with people on the web. So far they have gathered together the finest bunch of card dealers from around the world including the US, The UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The site hits you with the familiar look of the vegas poker table and continues this theme throughout, with a flawless attention to detail. I was able to quickly find a dealer who looked promising by comparing rates per hour, special skills and even a list of tournament awards! The clear photographs make the choice easy and I’m sure this site is no stranger to a large number of visitors like me who can’t deal or who have fingers like jellyfish! Being a relative newbie to gambling I found several pieces of good advice in the articles section that seems to cover almost every single topic I could imagine - from what cigars to buy, poker related gifts and how much to tip dealers.

I always have a high amount of respect for bloggers and the blogging community so it was good to see this tradition continue in the form of the blog, which unlike most company blogs was incredibly informative and packed with tips, there was also a healthy dose of thelatest news on the casino and gambling industry too. So, lets just say google did its job pretty well this morning and I found myself possibly the best dealer in my area. And he has won about seven tournaments. I guess all that’s left is there to be a competition to see if he can out-deal our best friend this weekend! To book a professional dealer for your next card night you should definitely check out

Day On

I made all my withdrawals over the weekend and most of my bankroll is currently floating around in cyberspace. I was planning on taking the day off but read some 2+2 threads this morning and the tales of degenism are making want to play.

I have around $100 hanging around in Pokerstars and about $600 on a random Microgaming skin so I'm somewhat restricted in my choices.

Here's the plan for today:

1. Make enough money before 4pm to buy a pizza. This is a solid goal and one I'm going to keep on my list like forever.

2. Gamble like a motherfucker. Once I've made my pizza money I'm going to take some 2 buy in shots at PLO or something.


That was the plan until I talked to some dude on AIM who gave me the idea of a sit n' go spin up, a SNGSU if you will. Got a nice prop bet out of it too. I need VPP's on Stars for this month's promo (it's sick you should take a look) so this is the new plan:

I'm going to start with 2 buy ins for $3.40 SNG's and move up when I get 2 buy ins for the next level. I cant move down unless I go broke then I have to start at the beginning.

If I make it to the $114 level I win $100. If I lose, give up or get distracted by something shiny then I have to transfer whatever I have left in my Stars account to him. The onus is obviously on me to either win or bust a whole heap of $6.80 shots so the bastard gets zip.

It's win/win for me as far as I can see it :p

Beat: Potentially no pizza.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Play Style Changed for the Better?

I've been playing a load of super turbo 5 man SNG type things over the past few weeks. Nothing particularly interesting there, ground out a fairly low ROI but cleared a bonus really fast. I quite enjoyed them and once I thrash out a decent rakeback deal I'll be working them into my regular routine.

Anyway, thats no the point of this post.

I played some normal turbo SNG's on Stars the past couple of days. I found it a bit strange at first and had to adapt to the much slower structure. I noticed a couple of things though.

Firstly, I'm a self confessed nit. I play pretty tight and try to play solid poker most of the time. When playing the super turbo things I had to open up my game or face being blinded out and didn't have any problems doing so. Now I'm playing a more regular format this strategy has stuck when the blinds start to increase and I'm finding myself willing to get the chips in with weaker hands in certain situations. This was something I was loathe to do before.

The second thing I noticed is how tight the rest of the players are and how easy it is to exploit them.

I've noticed a big difference in my results with this. I'm winning more tournaments than I used to and have far fewer "scrape into the money at all costs" moments.

I've found some gamble I think.

Limit poker remains my focus and main earner but there isn't much going on there. I'm experiencing a pretty variance free spell at the minute - cue doomswitch.

Thursday, 7 May 2009


On Tuesday I felt really guilty about doing fuck all and being a lazy hungover twat for a day and was really motivated about putting in a big session. I headed out to the office early doors, started up my pc and lo and behold no bastarding internet.

That kind of fucked it.

I decided to do a much needed format of my hard drive and read some books as I obviously wasn't going to be playing any poker.

I used to have a backup connection on my laptop but got rid of it as it was a waste of money.

Anyhoo... got it sorted today, free upgrade to mental superfast shit off a shovel broadband because I complained so all is well.

The shitty thing is it took me all day sort out my pc after deleting everything so it was another day wasted.

What a boring assed story that was.

If I had any sense then I would have kept some cash on neteller and high tailed it to the casino and "worked on my live game"

Monday, 4 May 2009

Not Feeling It

I've really worked my arse off the past few days putting in sick volume to clear a few bonuses. Stupidly, I got shitfaced last night and really can't be arsed today.

This could be a pretty big month for me too if I keep to my schedule but today I feel meh.

Going to play a few SNG's to try to get my head in poker mode.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Feels Good

This is the first month for a long time where I've had to rely exclusively on poker winnings to pay the bills. Even when I first started I had savings and shit, then I had business income and such like.

This month I've had poker and effectively tripled my wages, added a bit to my bankroll and am a happy pixie.

Should have sorted my shit out months ago tbh.

Happy Days.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

No Blogs = Best Month Ever

I haven't felt the need to write much lately mainly because poker has been going insanely well this month. I'm currently in the middle of my best month ever, not really in money terms but in the sense of getting stuff done and grinding it out.

I'm finding myself motivated and look forward to playing every day, i'm even sneaking in a couple of sessions on my days off :p

I'm using table selection and jumping around limits at off peak times trying to find great games. I also find myself bringing my A game to the tables a lot more and regular in depth reviews of my sessions is helping me improve my performance.

I've not been paying much attention to winnings/losses on a daily basis but I'm having good results.

I won't starve anyway.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Looking back over my blog I'm pretty amazed that it took me from February to April to get my act together. I've found a potentially nice little routine to my play and shock fucking horror I'm actually enjoying myself.

Poker really isn't for lazy bastards like me. If I make a bit of money I'm pretty content to fuck around until I really need to make some more.

I'm finding the games as soft, if not softer than I did before and I'm actually becoming interested in the game again. I read some strategy posts today!

I've got a 3 session type of thing going on, playing a few hours in the morning, afternoon then evening. Surprisingly some of the best tables I've found have been in the morning where the game selection is poor but the fish are plentiful. If I keep going the way I am I'll be able to take another few months off :p

I've been thinking a lot about what i want to get out of the game and what I would like to achieve so the whole boring goals thing will have to wait.

I'm sure you're gutted.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Return to Limit

I've not played a single hand of limit hold em for months, certainly not this year anyway and decided to fire up a couple of tables to see how it went. I was kind of dreading it in a way as I had convinced myself that this was the devil's form of poker having well and truly sickened myself of it.

Surprisingly it went ok. I was a little bit rusty i suppose and made a couple of errors but otherwise played pretty solid poker. I kind of got into a groove with it after a while too. This is by far my best game but I tended to shy away from it, mainly out of boredom and partly because it sent me on monkey tilt in the early days of playing for a living.

I suppose i have a slightly different outlook on things this time around. I'm not particularly afraid of failing and having to get a job because I've kinda been there and done it and now I'm out the other side. This makes for a more calm and serene Millar.

I've set myself some vague goals for the month in my head but lets just say I'm aiming pretty low for this month and trying to focus on putting the hours in. I'll get these down in some sort of solid form tomorrow which is officially my first day of work.

Planning on getting an early start too...

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

I'm Back Bitches (Again)

New month, fresh start and all that.

I haven't been playing much poker over the past few weeks/months other than some short hit and runs at 6 max NL. Not much else to say about it really. This entire year has been something of a write off on the poker front. I completely lost interest in it and this blog.

Time I got some work done to be honest.

The good thing about not playing is that my bankroll remains intact although I was tempted on a few occasions to spunk it all away and fuck poker off completely.

Today I'm playing some MTT's to get back into the swing of things and encourage me to actually play for longer than 5 minutes. I'm going to try to get a routine going and play in the same tournaments every day so I cant just up and quit.

My entire bankroll currently resides on an Ongame skin so i guess I'll be playing there for now. I've been toying with the idea of using my fpp's on Stars to try to grind up a bankroll from nothing as kind of a side project. Maybe this will rekindle my interest in poker.

Once I've sorted stuff out I'm going to write down some goals as this helped keep me focussed in the past. I should probably go read some forums or something to get my brain back in poker mode.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Back to Work

This year has been something of a non event on the poker front. I've played sporadically for short sessions and basically couldn't be arsed with it. I've not even read forums, blogs, books, watched videos or did anything remotely poker related for about 6 weeks.

Now it's time to get back into the swing of things.

I eased myself back into playing today and have enjoyed it after such a long lay off. If you can afford to take an extended holiday I would highly recommend it.

I've been experimenting a little bit with mixing a couple of MTT's in with the STT's and this is looking quite promising. I need to go back and read some tournament books though or I'm going to get ass raped.

I also stumbled accross a new poker site where people literally throw their money away. It's pretty small and only really offers 6 max NL but the players are so bad that even I can turn a pretty nice profit. I'm not going to share the info obviously, the last thing I need is a bunch of sharks checking it out.

I suppose the real grind will start tomorrow and I'll probably be back to being a miserable bastard within a couple of weeks but hey ho.

For now things are looking up.