Wednesday 9 January 2008

Knackered but running goot

I seriously need to get my sleeping patterns sorted out. It's 1240am and I'm totally shattered. So much for working through the night...

I'm going to make a supreme effort to stay awake in order to get some sort of semblance of order here. Unfortunately I'm too snookered to play and I really want to. I've had prior experience of playing tired and it's just not worth it for me. I played for a couple of hours earlier tonight and I'm up about $350 or so which is not exactly an incentive for me to keep going. The games were pretty poor tonight with about an average of 18% of players seeing the flop. Luckily I managed to pick up a few good hands in steal positions so was called down light on several occasions. I also made a few good calldowns myself.

I'm quite enjoying playing shorter sessions as I feel I'm taking my A game to the table more and playing a lot better. I'm also taking a few minutes to prepare for playing which is something I seldom did before. I read something about it in Hilger's "The Poker Mindset" and it's helped me immensely, especially if I am facing a tough decision right off the bat.

Being a bit of a lazy bastard has also helped believe it or not. While I've been procrastinating and feeling shite I've read a lot more on 2 + 2 and watched a few videos on Stoxpoker and Deucescracked. Yay for lazyness.

One of the weaknesses I had was blind play which has improved significantly recently and I now feel a lot more comfortable playing out of the blinds. I've also really opened up my range against some opponenents which has proved profitable. These are things I've struggled with for a while so I'm glad to see some progress.

Anyhoo... I'm up $1454 so far. Cashed out $1000 to stick in my savings account and now need to get my finger out of my arse and start grinding.


Played another short session (against my better judgement) but the tables were looking really good. Ended up +$270 when the games started breaking up. I'm currently running at 6.63bb/100 on my desktop.

I seriously need to stop playing on my laptop and get my arse out of bed in future.