Friday 18 January 2008

Drunk Shot Taking Anyone?

So I'm pretty pissed, watched a film with the missus, she goes to bed and I fire up 2 tables of 10/20 for a laugh. I decided to take a shot with $1k and see what happens. What happens is I win some hands.

Fuck You Downswing!

I thought 5/10 played hard but 10/20 is a whole new kettle of fish... without the fish unfortunately. It plays totally different and I actually seen someone fold to a river check raise! I need to get some of that shit in my game lol.

I go too far with hands sometimes.

In other news: decided to take the night off (apart from drunken 10/20) as my wife went back to work on Monday following nine months of maternity leave. I was feeling somewhat worse for wear following last night anyway. We had an Indian, a few beers and watched a film which was good. I'm lucky enough to live in an area which has the best Indian take away bar none. Seriously the place rocks.

In other, other news: I've been in touch with the coaches at and danzasmack is going to give me a few coaching sessions. I think I have a few leaks and unfortunately the poker literature for full ring limit is somewhat outdated and assumes people play shittily. I play against people who are pretty fucking good for the most part so decided to get a coach to help me out. Trip report to follow.

In other, other, other news: My wrist has been giving me shit with spending so much time on the computer... nothing to do with redtube you understand. Anyway, I bought one of those gel wrist pad things and it's worked wonders. Buy one.... it's better than a fag packet.


LuckyJim said...

So how much did you win at 10/20?
Can you post the hands?

millar said...

I think i ended up about +$680 for the session.

I'll post some hands the next time I'm on my laptop :)