Sunday 30 November 2008

Removing the Finger

I've not blogged for the past couple of weeks because I've had far too much shit happening. I was afraid it would come out in a long boring tirade.

I'll spare you the details.

Not much happening on the poker front other than the fact I've moved a huge chunk of my bankroll offline for various reasons. This has left me slightly under-rolled for the games I want to be playing. As I'm a pretty risk averse person I'll have to move down to rebuild.

This suits me fine at the moment as I don't have the time to dedicate most of my day to playing and working on my game.

Unless something spectacular happens in December I probably won't be writing much more as this blog has turned into something like a year in the life of an alcoholic low stakes grinder.

Well named as another boring poker blog.

Catch you on the flipside.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

my friends... welcome to grindfest

if you want to make a living playing poker...

grind like fuck.

this is a public service announcement brought to you by millar.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Steadying the Boat

Ok after yesterday's disaster today was much better.

I just counted and I played 187 tournaments yesterday which is a lot in anyone's book. Today I played 12 sets of 9 tables and things went well.

Not much to say about it really.

Grind on!

Monday 3 November 2008


My first day of grinding like fuck has been something of a disaster. I managed to drop around 30 buy ins at the old sit n go's. How I managed that I will never know. I got my money in ahead around 90% of the time and was continually sucked out on.

I know i said a big "FUCK YOU" to short term variance in my last post but jesus fucking wept.

If I see another two outer on the river I'm going to fucking poke my bastarding eyes out.

Not really.

It was a shit day but I'm actually really happy with my play. I was playing on Ongame so I know I was getting it in as a favourite and was a victim of the fall of the cards.

If I keep doing what I'm doing then things will fall into place. I have a sufficently large bankroll to ride out the bad days. This was a particularly bad day but fuck it.

Surely I won't be arse raped quite so badly tomorrow.