Saturday, 23 May 2009
Ok Here's the Deal
Inspired by this thread:
I've had a pretty decent month so far. Covered the bills and stuff which is what it's all about. As a matter of fact I've got the next few months covered. Anyway I was thinking of my strategy for next month and trying to come up with something a bit different. Boku's thread intrigued me for obvious reasons but I know for a fact I can't put in the sick volume he does without turning into a gibbering mess.
Basically what I've come up with is an excuse to doss around for the rest of the month.
From June 1st I'm going to start with a $110 bankroll, play exclusively on Stars, play only multi table SNG's or the odd MTT and see what I can run it up to.
I don't play on Stars much these days but I've tested the waters a few times this month because of their UK promo.
The goals I've set myself are:
1. a minimum of 100 tournaments per day or 700 per week. Basically if I want a day off I have to earn it.
2. 100 buy ins before I move up (other than random shot taking)
3. only 1 reload of $110
4. profit
I'm not entirely sure why i want to put myself through this other than giving me focus for the month ahead.
I'm going to update every day in June, not that anyone is interested. I'm not doing it for you though am I?
I think one of my weaknesses is not keeping accurate records so at least I'll be able to get into the habit of posting results etc. Also I dont particularly like posting about $$ won or lost because it's all relative. Durrr's 1 million downswings are as bad as a 10NL reg's downswings. For one month only I'll be keeping a daily tally of $$ won or lost and posting them for your enjoyment.
Normal service will resume shortly.
Has Poker Made Me Stupider?
Maybe i need to stimulate my mind more. I hardly even read these days.
On a completely different note I just read about the German dude who ran $100 up to $10k in and epic 13 day SNG grind. Can't remember the dudes name but it was awesome - 50 tabling ftw. Anyway it got me thinking a little bit and I might try something similar next month or the month after. Obviously not $100 - $10k but a bit of a grindfest from low stakes.
Today I'm going to try to sharpen my 24 tabling skills.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
The Internetz
For example, I now read 2+2 more often and not just for the strategy posts. I've always been a bit of a fan of their forums and used to read them avidly although I've made around 8 posts in 4-5 years. I was speaking to a guy I know last night who was banned from a certain forum and they were having a vote to let certain people (including him) back in. Fair enough. I then trawled through the gazillion posts on the subject, more out of morbid fascination than anything else and was pretty appalled by some of the stuff written. So many internet hard men there. I would like the time I spent reading these posts back please.
Way back in the day I used to be a moderator on a forum which started out as a bit of a laugh and a general pisstake. Everything was cool for a few months and I think I used my moderator priveleges about twice on something very mundane. Other mods began taking a bit of a harder line, deleting posts, banning people and generally letting the power go to their heads. Obviously people got pissed off with the heavy handedness and general asshattery. They left in their droves. The site died a slow death and in the end the only people who posted there were the fuckwit moderators and their band of toadying minions.
Much as it pains me to say, I can see 2+2 heading the same way. At least the "social" forums anyway. It seems if your face doesn't fit you're persona non grata.
I had thought the appeal of internet forums and messageboards was that everyone can contribute their own shit freely. With the exception of horse Pr0nz etc.
Anyway, enough of that shit and more about my struggle to become a super rich poker playing fuckwit.
Today i played over 100 tournaments by 4pm. I consider 100 SNG's to be a full day's work so I'm entitled to doss around tonight and do stuff like write this shitty blog post. I'm not going to though. I'm so highly motivated that I'm going to play more poker right now and try to rattle in another hundred.
It's the new me i'm sure.
Poker burnout incoming.
I'm currently accepting applications for some toadying minions for a future takeover of the internet.
Monday, 18 May 2009
I'm going to take a break in a little while then play some hu sng's tonight. Might try to spin my way up to high stakes too.
2 buy in bankrolls ftw.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Why I Don't Play MTT's for a Living
I was a bit bored today so hit up some $4.40 180's while I was doing my usual SNG grind. I had to play $4.40's as that's all I could afford 10 buy ins for given the fact that I'm still waiting on my bastarding cash out.
Anyway, pretty mixed results. Got 3rd in one where I really should have won given I had the chip lead 3 times with 3 left. An ill timed push with A9 against a limped KK fucked that. It was ok though, kind of fun really. Cashed out, ordered pizza. Fuck You prop bets.
I did learn that I fucking suck badly post flop in the low blind levels and need to sort this out.
In other news, someone stole my luckbox and I would quite like it back.
Reward Offered.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Losing Prop Bets and Winning at Poker
I'm thinking about doing a 6 or 8 table version later this month as there's a chance this will hold my interest for longer than 5 minutes.
I decided to hit up some Microgaming turbos and went on a seriously sick run cashing in about 90% of the tournaments I played. This was helped by a few insane runner runner luckbox moments and a few beers.
I continued in the same vein today without the luckbox but I think I'm still up. The big appeal of these tournaments is the fast pace and the fact it's pretty easy to put in high volume. Coupled with a bonus which is equal to 55% rakeback it's somewhat profitable.
I just watched some videos on pokertube by some random fish and they were awesome sauce. There's a link in BBV if anyone's interested. The horse one especially is made of win.
Anyway, got about 30 more tournaments to play to hit the magic 100 mark.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Dial a professional dealer for your Poker Night
Argh! Our best friend who deals insanely well pulled out of our poker night early last night. It’s so annoying when that happens. Now its just the three of us and none of us can deal or shuffle properly for any purpose other than each other’s laughter. Our poor dealing skills make gambling look like snap.
Anyway, I just want to pick up a phone and dial a dealer or something. Actually, I was genuinely curious about this sort of thing and so being the sad person that I am, I actually google’d it. There’s no harm in trying when you’re bored these days! Well, what do you expect? Turns out there’s a site called that specialises in finding professional card or casino dealers and fun casino hire suppliers for hire right away in your area. You can even phone them right now. Don’t believe me? Look it up. It’s a bit like a MySpace for people who work as croupiers or card dealers. You can hire a professional croupier for your game who will come and deal for you at a private gathering, home game or even for a large party. Dealers sign up with their gambling skills and fill out a profile that lets them advertise their casino night services and make new contacts with people on the web. So far they have gathered together the finest bunch of card dealers from around the world including the
I always have a high amount of respect for bloggers and the blogging community so it was good to see this tradition continue in the form of the blog, which unlike most company blogs was incredibly informative and packed with tips, there was also a healthy dose of thelatest news on the casino and gambling industry too. So, lets just say google did its job pretty well this morning and I found myself possibly the best dealer in my area. And he has won about seven tournaments. I guess all that’s left is there to be a competition to see if he can out-deal our best friend this weekend! To book a professional dealer for your next card night you should definitely check out
Day On
I have around $100 hanging around in Pokerstars and about $600 on a random Microgaming skin so I'm somewhat restricted in my choices.
Here's the plan for today:
1. Make enough money before 4pm to buy a pizza. This is a solid goal and one I'm going to keep on my list like forever.
2. Gamble like a motherfucker. Once I've made my pizza money I'm going to take some 2 buy in shots at PLO or something.
That was the plan until I talked to some dude on AIM who gave me the idea of a sit n' go spin up, a SNGSU if you will. Got a nice prop bet out of it too. I need VPP's on Stars for this month's promo (it's sick you should take a look) so this is the new plan:
I'm going to start with 2 buy ins for $3.40 SNG's and move up when I get 2 buy ins for the next level. I cant move down unless I go broke then I have to start at the beginning.
If I make it to the $114 level I win $100. If I lose, give up or get distracted by something shiny then I have to transfer whatever I have left in my Stars account to him. The onus is obviously on me to either win or bust a whole heap of $6.80 shots so the bastard gets zip.
It's win/win for me as far as I can see it :p
Beat: Potentially no pizza.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Play Style Changed for the Better?
Anyway, thats no the point of this post.
I played some normal turbo SNG's on Stars the past couple of days. I found it a bit strange at first and had to adapt to the much slower structure. I noticed a couple of things though.
Firstly, I'm a self confessed nit. I play pretty tight and try to play solid poker most of the time. When playing the super turbo things I had to open up my game or face being blinded out and didn't have any problems doing so. Now I'm playing a more regular format this strategy has stuck when the blinds start to increase and I'm finding myself willing to get the chips in with weaker hands in certain situations. This was something I was loathe to do before.
The second thing I noticed is how tight the rest of the players are and how easy it is to exploit them.
I've noticed a big difference in my results with this. I'm winning more tournaments than I used to and have far fewer "scrape into the money at all costs" moments.
I've found some gamble I think.
Limit poker remains my focus and main earner but there isn't much going on there. I'm experiencing a pretty variance free spell at the minute - cue doomswitch.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
That kind of fucked it.
I decided to do a much needed format of my hard drive and read some books as I obviously wasn't going to be playing any poker.
I used to have a backup connection on my laptop but got rid of it as it was a waste of money.
Anyhoo... got it sorted today, free upgrade to mental superfast shit off a shovel broadband because I complained so all is well.
The shitty thing is it took me all day sort out my pc after deleting everything so it was another day wasted.
What a boring assed story that was.
If I had any sense then I would have kept some cash on neteller and high tailed it to the casino and "worked on my live game"
Monday, 4 May 2009
Not Feeling It
This could be a pretty big month for me too if I keep to my schedule but today I feel meh.
Going to play a few SNG's to try to get my head in poker mode.