Thursday 27 March 2008


I'm pretty fucked right now after 4 days or so of pretty solid alcoholism. Obviously poker took a bit of a back seat during this time and I need to get my finger out and get some hands in.

I did play a bit of 10/20 O8 which was somewhat ill advised although profitable. I'm not particularly comfortable at that limit and still have a chunk of my bankroll tied up which makes it worse. I did have Danzasmack sweat me during it but it could have been somewhat disasterous. I also put in a solid session at lower limit O8 at some point but it's all a bit of a haze to be honest.

So I'm off the piss now before my wife divorces me or my liver falls out of my arse. I'm somewhat dissapointed to be awake at 9am with no games running at the limits or sites I want/need to play on.

I might hit some steps SNG's on Stars to pass the time. Not that I have any intention of playing in the main event but $12.5k would be a nice start to the day.

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