Monday 10 March 2008

Days Off

I had the weekend off for my son's birthday and the Scottish Cup quarter final and I'm struggling to get myself motivated today. Last week i hit the tables pretty hard and played a few 10 hour days. This was more through choice than anything else as I was really enjoying poker and grinding out masses of hands was less of a chore than usual.

Today I've played for an hour or so and really can't be bothered. I'm feeling pretty shit after burning the candle at both ends all weekend and just want to lie down.

The Omaha 8 games continue to be excellent but I hit a bit of a bad run of cards which has been a bit frustrating. I know if I keep playing the way I am that the big hands will come and not be counterfeited on the river! I had a great coaching session last week that has encouraged me to be a bit more aggressive when I'm playing and this has made a lot of hands easier to play.

I also have something in the pipeline which might generate some extra income but more on that later.

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