Monday 20 October 2008

Old Habits Die Hard

Last week I found myself slipping back into old habits. Alcohol induced lazyness had started to rear it's ugly head and I know from past experience that this can lead to me being a miserable bastard. Luckily I know myself and my tendencies well enough to sort it out before it got to that stage.

Yesterday I experimented with the number of tables I can play without becoming overwhelmed. I dropped down a couple of levels and played up to 12 at a time, deciding that between 6 and 9 is close to optimal. I also tried playing in sets which was quite interesting. I have been playing 4 -6 tables continuously but playing 9 or so tournaments down to a finish gives you a bit more time around the bubble and all the blinds are similar.

I still don't know what's best for me so I'll keep mixing it up until I find a preference.

Today I'm going to grind like a motherbitch.

1 comment:

brianna said...

I think if your having any bad old habbit then you should not remind it.

