Wednesday 15 October 2008


I really need to sit down and think about how I'm going to fit poker around my other commitments, or to put it another way fit my other commitments around poker.

I'm really, really happy with my game just now. My motivation to play and my concentration levels when i'm at the tables are the highest they've been for a long time. I'm planning to take full advantage of this and find the time to put in some serious volume over the coming weeks.

I've even been reading strategy forums *shock horror* and, wait for it..... books!!

Making lots of cash is not essential at the moment so i can concentrate on building up my tournament skills without going off the deep end if i hit a bad patch (See January to April :))


I was seriously considering deleting my blog today because I can't really be arsed with it. I suppose there are a few earlier posts that are reasonably informative if you have the urge to wade through all the shite.

They've been good for me as a reminder about how things can get really bad if you let the downswings effect you.

I now find myself grinding out the "poor man's poker" or SNG's as I like to call them. For someone with lazyarseitis they are a fucking godsend.

I can put in some serious volume, not tilt and make money... which is always good.

The $33's and $54's have been going ok. TBH I don't notice a huge difference in play between the $22's and the $54's. My rakeback at the end of the month will be a lot better though.

I've got a shitload of stuff to work on but I'm giving myself to the end of the year to become a solid tournament player.

Imagine taking advantage of the poker resources out there and actually applying it to your game!!

I set myself unreasonable targets for improving my game in the 1st 6 months imo. 2 hours study a day is hard going when you could/should be playing. I'm not exactly clever either so 2 hours was really spent reading bbv and nvg. I've actually changed my favourites to take me straight to the STT forum... and I've even read it.

Good Luck

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