Sunday 30 November 2008

Removing the Finger

I've not blogged for the past couple of weeks because I've had far too much shit happening. I was afraid it would come out in a long boring tirade.

I'll spare you the details.

Not much happening on the poker front other than the fact I've moved a huge chunk of my bankroll offline for various reasons. This has left me slightly under-rolled for the games I want to be playing. As I'm a pretty risk averse person I'll have to move down to rebuild.

This suits me fine at the moment as I don't have the time to dedicate most of my day to playing and working on my game.

Unless something spectacular happens in December I probably won't be writing much more as this blog has turned into something like a year in the life of an alcoholic low stakes grinder.

Well named as another boring poker blog.

Catch you on the flipside.

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